Hi! My Name Is Muttly
OK. I'm a dog. A very cute one at that. My master doesn't know yet that it's me taking over the computer at night when he is sleeping -- and typing different posts here and there in this Website.
Yes. We pets can type. We are evolving faster than human's think. And just like our human friends, we too want to make the world a better place.
But I don't want to stray farther away from what I want to share with you.
I love my Reflexology. When my master puts me on his lap and massages my paws it's like I am in doggy heaven.
I just melt into his hands when he gently massages the pads on my paws, especially the solar plexus point which puts me right to sleep.
Not to mention the fact that I rarely get sick and when I do my master just rubs whatever ails me away.
Yup! I consider myself one heck of a lucky dog. I have humans who love me and care for me. I have a big back yard to sniff around in. I go for walks every day and I cuddle at night with my masters.
But it's the Reflexology that really gets me.
So read through this helpful Website and learn how to take care of your pets with one of the safest and most effective healing modalities known to humankind and now us pets.
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